Transitioning Your Patio Set into Fall with BT Furnishings
    Transitioning Your Patio Set into Fall with BT Furnishings
    With summer winding down and fall fast approaching (yay!), wanting to extend your time outside using your patio is understandable. Because, trust me, I understand!! Here’s a few things that I love to do to extend my patio space into fall.
    Purchase a Neutral Patio Set
    When looking for a patio set, make sure to find one that is in a neutral color palette so that it will transition well into fall. If you stick with a neutral set, just think of all of the different style + color options that allows when adding pillows + décor! While I was browsing BT Furnishings’ website, I found the cutest, neutral patio set that was exactly what I was looking for! I know that I can add a variety of décor in any style + color palette that I’m loving for any time of year.
    skeleton patio furniture
    Add Fall Décor
    Whether you are ready to fully transition to Halloween décor (hey, hey Mr. Bones!) or start with some crisp fall leaves, adding pops of brown, orange or yellow will allow the space to feel fall ready! Simple touches of fall will help the area feel more usable + comfortable when the weather starts to cool down! I love to add some fall florals, seasonal candles (give me all the pumpkin scents!), cozy accent pillows + chunky knit throws. AND, BT Furnishings has just added a new line of pillows + throws!
    Host Outdoor Dinner Parties
    I love to host my friends + family, especially for dinner parties! One of my favorite spots to host everyone is outside on our back patio. The temperature this time of year is perfect for a patio dinner + it allows us to extend our time in our outdoor space. For those chillier nights, I love to add our fire pit to our patio area or grab (one of the many lol) throw blankets to cozy up with!
     Depending on the area that you live in, you may even be able to extend your patio furniture into the cooler winter months by adding Thanksgiving + Christmas décor. The winters get pretty cold here in SW MO, but I still love to decorate that space for those holidays as well. If you love it + it makes you feel good, DO IT!! By incorporating these tips, I can extend the time I am able to enjoy my patio furniture well into the fall + winter months! If you incorporate any of these tips into your patio styling, I’d love to see!
    Make sure to check out BT Furnishings as they have the most gorgeous patio furniture + a wide variety of other furniture items + accents. 
    I hope you have the best weekend… thanks for stopping by!